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How to Boost Local Rankings for Multi-location Medical Group A Renewed Focus on Local SEO

The physical location of a healthcare provider is an important consideration for most people—especially when they need immediate care. Those daily searches number in the billions, with an increasing number of “near me” searches making up the whole pie. Local search just cannot be ignored. Nor can the widespread use of mobile devices among healthcare consumers.

Think about it: what’s the first thing people do when they need both urgent and non-urgent medical attention? They reach for their smartphones to search Google Maps, find a phone number, or simply call 911.

According to Google, mobile accounts for 84% of “near me” searches. And when people search locally, they tend to show up: 76% of smartphone users who search for things nearby visit a business within 24 hours. It’s convenient, and you can often search for, find, and call or contact a healthcare provider in one fell swoop.